I'm teaching myself C (I'm a Java guy) so that I can contribute down the road.
Here's what I'd love to see in 9.6:
- Okapi BM-25 as the default relevance measure for text search. SQLite has it, so it should be doable for Postgres.
- Overall, make text search a little more Solr-like (n-grams and such)
- Allow custom, non-C functions (like PLV8) for text search parsing, so I can write my own parser
- Allow parameters for SET ROLE ? and LISTEN ? so it's a bit safer to call them from a web application
- Security cookie for SET ROLE, so that user cannot switch roles without permission. See this post for more info.
- Async LISTEN/NOTIFY in the default JDBC driver. pgjdbc-ng has it, so it should be doable.
Nice To Have:
- Kill MD5 forever and use bcrypt or scrypt for password hashing
- Raise an exception if an identifier is longer than 63 characters, instead of silently truncating it. This was an actual issue with Drupal Commerce
- Begin SQL:2011 Temporal feature set