- Windows 7 64-bit
- PostgreSQL 9.3 installed from EnterpriseDB installer
- pgAdmin III 1.18
1. Open
c:\program files\postgresql\9.3\data\postgresql.conf
2. Un-comment or add this line:
shared_preload_libraries = '$libdir/plugin_debugger.dll'
3. Restart PostgreSQL server
4. In the database you want to debug, run
create extension pldbgapi;
5. Restart pgAdmin III
6. In pgAdmin III, you should now have a Debugging option on context menus for user-defined functions/procedures. You can't debug PL/SQL or PL/V8 language functions, only PL/pgSQL with this debugger.
MUCHAS GRACIAS!!!! Thank You!!!
Excelente POST te felicito!
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