Monday, December 14, 2015

Duplicity Backup on OpenBSD 5.8

The duplicity 0.6.26 package seems to be broken for OpenBSD 5.8 (i386). Here's how to make it work.

Get the ports tree and unpack it:

pkg_add wget
cd /tmp
cd /usr
tar -zxvf /tmp/ports.tar.gz

(this takes a few minutes)

Compile duplicity:

cd /usr/ports/sysutils/duplicity
make install

(go get some coffee)

Install gpg and generate a key:

pkg_add gnupg
gpg --gen-key

(accept the defaults)

Full backup:

duplicity full $sourceDir file:///$targetDir 

Incremental backup:

duplicity incremental $sourceDir file:///$targetDir 


duplicity restore file:///$sourceDir $targetDir 

If you're using S3:
  • use s3+http://$bucketName as the target
  • Your bucket should be in US Standard Region 
  • export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$yourAWSAccessKeyId
  • export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$yourAWSSecretKey


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Unknown said...

Thank y for sharing, it's very important to understand how it works.